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Breezy Violet

I am quite fond of boas. Long boas, fluffy boas, feathery boas; they are all fun. Chandra sent over a special one prim vendor (a joke between us as her very pretty boxes are often more prims than I have available) of the new !deviousMind Starlette - feather boas. With a huge assortment of colors to pick from (24 in all), I choose lilac. Happily I remembered a very violet makeup set lingering in my "newness" folder, the  Madrid Solo Full Face Design, Eden on the Perfect Runway Hunt.  There is a choice of lips only, eyes only or full face.

A short post for a very short day in SL. Happily I can't remember when the grid was down for so long :D.

Pose by: aDORKable


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