Getting Steamy
I am guessing by now that you have heard of or visited FRESH presented by ROMP. A little bit of everything greets you at the classy but naughty venue. There is plenty to see, but whatever you do, don't miss the furniture from Roawenwood. The simple, slightly rustic pieces go with almost any decor -- indoors or out, and are packed full (and I SO mean packed full) of excellent animations. There is something for everyone from ladylike to oh so not.
The Najwa Lovers Divan Set has tender moments as well as sweaty ones for all types of couples and couplings.
There are even facial expressions that can be controlled by the owner. Honestly, there were very few adjustments that needed to be made and the animations were very well thought out, will fit lots of avatars and run smoothly.
The Najwa Lap Dance Divan Chair Set is very fun and includes tons of dances for your honey's viewing pleasure.
Other choices abound however, no need to just dance all night.
So while you might need to stand in line to try out these offerings, it will be well worth the wait.
My outfit consists of lots of great new releases. From top to bottom:
Hat: Meva Hipster Hat (color change by hud) from the Hipster Fair
Hair: eXxEsS ZMEY (there is a similar style for the guys). This is SO cute. short in back with long angle cut in the front. Two color huds packed full of goodness.
Necklace: Meva Bands Necklace which comes with a hud that lets you change individual bands of the necklace. Several colors and patterns are included in the hud. Also at the Hipster Fair.
The super cute complete outfit with tiny little shorts perfect for seduction hales from SLX. Look for Pawned. Waist chain, boots, bracelets and a necklace (not shown) all come with the set. A five color hud let's you change colors on the cropped sweater.
Go forth. Have fun!
Poses by: the furniture