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Outdoor Living

It's summer in the northern part of our globe. Hot days, warm nights and as few clothes as necessary. Happily in our virtual world we can easily have perfect figures to go with our scantily clad bodies.

From Cosmopolitan:

Little Fox - Summer babe - bikini set
KUNGLERS - Marcella bangles (really love these; so easy to change the look to coordinate with the outfit of the day)

Hair out for Hello Tuesday from no.math : NO_BETWEEN ~ Pack of BLONDS

And at Uber, the Trompe Loeil, the Caylin Modern Ranch house.

If you are one of the folks that loves to decorate different houses you will definitely want to check out this new sleek build. It features lots of minimalist additions and plenty of discrete spaces to decorate to your liking. There is an impressive curved water wall at the entrance, a particularly saucy kitchen, built in bar, swimming pool and the list goes on.

Floor to ceiling windows turn into walls at you choosing with a simple click. Only 94 land impact!

The Caylin bar stools are also part of this release.

Pose by: SEmotion


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