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Shop and Hop - Summer 2021

It's SL's 18th birthday and it all starts officially in a few hours -- so celebrations are in order.   One of the big events of the season is the Shop and Hop, this round the largest ever with 16 full sims of sales as well as some very nice gifts. Even at a fast pace and skimming by stores that were not in my interest area (male tattoos for instance :D) it took over five hours to take the tour.  

Unpacking wasn't a huge chore as I honestly only picked up items I thought I would use and/or feature.  While this event was more inclusive than previous versions (hence the 320 ish participants) I did come away with some impressive items -- some of the nicest in the events history I think. So I am happy to share my finds over the days to come.

First up -- an especially generous gift mixes with the cutest ever bikini. Add some sleek surfer girl hair and some eye-catching earrings and we've got our lead photo. 

Is that a boat I see?  Yep, it is and a really gorgeous one at that. 

A gift from  BBX Design (Jubilant). I didn't actually try sailing this but it did ask me if I wanted to and had me at the wheel with a realistic animation. The boat bobs gently in he water and there are water gurgling sounds so even if you never take it out of the harbor, it is impressive.  It is NOT a good place to adjust earrings however -- that bobbing thing LOL.

My outfit is both stylish and extremely well made and just one of OH SO MANY gifts from [QE] Designs (Golden).   The flirty little beach outfit comes in many mesh body fits and has a jewel tone texture change hud.  This is the [QE] Adelaide Bikini - Siren.   

After posting note:   [QE] has taken away the original gift box it seems and put out a $250 gift card so all [QE] items mentioned are no longer available as gifts at Shop and Hop -- unless of course that changes again :D.  This is not the first time that being EARLY was a good thing.  

The Ade (Gilded)- Mila hair comes in a variety of sizes and with color huds.

Add the KUNGLERS - Lena earring (texture change hud) (Gilded) to complete the outfit. 

Gift Cards - Discount Cards - Store Credits

There are plenty of shopping lindens being given out.  I noted a few and I am sure there are others that I missed.  The ones I found range from $150 to $500. Some expire; some do not. Some are store credit.   

Glitz (Tinseled) $500
Addams (Poppy) $500
Psycho Barbie (Dahlia) $500
Escalated (Gleaming) $350
Mangula (Gilded) $300
Salt & Pepper (Jubilant)  $250
Marked (mens - Tinseled) $250
Short Leash (Sugarplum) $250
Alli&Ali Designs (Sugarplum) $250
Tachinni (Sugarplum) $150

Some impressive stores for males can be found this round. There is a free skin, several clothing items, hair, plenty of accessories and tattoos and the gift card.  

Pose by: Eternal Dream


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