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LeLutka 12 Days

The LeLutka 12 Days event is underway.  I haven't been to grab the head as yet.  There have been over 100 people in each region each time I have checked. I know from past experience that getting IN is barely half of the process as you need the venders to deliver and they really don't do that well --- or haven't in the past anyway.  

You CAN however visit the rest of the stop along the very long list. There are plenty of nice skins, many are Velour tones. There are skins for the guys too as well as makeup, hairs and and such.  Many are very nice and I did keep a lot. A few have me asking why people bothered to be in the list.  Not a new story.  There were a couple that appear to have forgotten the event, not even a poster in evidence.  Many of the landmarks are not near the gifts at all so area search is your friend. 

I don't really plan on changing heads or even skins as I am pretty happy with my current look but I picked up most of the skins and it is likely you can find some that might work for you --- if you are looking.  

I did have some major issues with my computer fans whining on some regions so if your computer is less than hefty  watch for that an maybe bypass places that are issues for you. 

You will need to join each store group and for most of us leave shortly thereafter. A big plus is that each gift has a vendor photo  so you can pick up only the things you think you might keep.   Each store has a poster with the full list of landmarks.   

Shown here are a few of my personal favorites. Most come in a large to huge fatpack for colors and sizing

amara beauty - Raven Sienna - NO BROWS
[Onyx] Cami eyebrows -Blond (be sure and use the hair base that comes with)
Mellow Elie / Felton Knit Hoodie (Lara X) - Holiday

Pose by: Behavior Body


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