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In the News and Community Meeting

Fantasy Faire 2022

Bits and pieces of possible interest. 

The mobile app contest "giveaway" is definitely pointing out some issues with the software (see this forum thread).  I found this while looking for any announcement of winners. In the past that hasn't happened and it would be nice to sort of know someone won.  To be fair maybe the winners don't want it publicized,  still ...

There is one artist studio available at Sunset Sway Arts Center (almost free) for any interested arty types. 

SL22B Creator Applications are open now - full post here.  This is a bit of a switch from the norm which usually has the music applications up first. There will also be both General and Adult regions and while there is a theme you do not need to stick to it.  You also don't need to build in PBR (no comment).  

I decided not to attend the Community meeting as there was a Blogger Network meeting (I was no longer invited and that is fine :D) and you can read the news on Inara's blog. It seemed to be ALL about the new web viewer so it may not be of interest to you guyes either LOL.  I was hoping there would be OTHER things on the roadmap discussed beside Project Zero -- and maybe there will be (was).  --- I did however listen to the stream of the audience questions -- see below. 

For the bloggers out there that wish to partake -- Fantasy Faire Blogger applications (blogging creations or just getting in early) will be open this upcoming week (usually 30 days before the event opens.  


The Q and A part of the Community Meeting included news that MANY more support people were being added and that the web viewer has seen many more people trying out the experience.   

There was a bit of drama when Philip disappeared, then came back and the sound stream went out. 

 They do plan to work on BOTH our typical viewers and the web viewer at the same time.   

Next Community Meeting will focus on AI 

And the stream is back ---- 

The Lab is actively marketing again -- especially for content creators.  

More Premium (not plus) homes are coming with new features never seen before. "Alpine" was the clue about style.

Some discussions on privacy. 


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