Two Looks: She Wants Revenge

She Wants Revenge sent out a gift to all of Fashcon today, so if you are one of those folks that doesn't have announcements on, you might want to check the archives. I can see that many fashionistas are visiting the shop as there are LOTS of green dots on the map. This is good :D
The outfit is very cute and also very versatile, so I thought I'd have some fun and play the accessory game. Since thousands of folks got this outfit, feel free to do your own thing and make this a challenge if you want.
My first look was a cyber punk take, with some of my favorite accessories and hair including items from The Stringer Mausoleum, Lazy Places, OMFG, NOP and Sn@tch.

My second take was a lot more sophisticated and included items from Sirena, Rebel Hope, Juicy and a great cigarette with holder from Animah. Those super cute Past Midnight sunglasses are from [SpeXx] and are a dollarbie for this week. Since there are transparancies involved, only certain hairs work well, but I bet you have some :D
Countdown: T minus 19 :D