Farming in Style
I had been seeing this very cute top all over the feeds. Busy and in overdrive, I didn't READ of course, I just looked at the photos. Last evening I really wanted to know who made this top so as my cursor scrolled through the news of the day, I stayed around a minute longer and found that it was a hunt prize from RONSEM*. Well that was even better!
The store is fairly large, but the product selection smallish. A new store? May-be! Most everything there is interesting and slightly different; gold stars in my book. There are unisex and male items as well. The hunt prize includes a tee for guys that I haven't even opened yet. Chav may be wearing it soon; who knows?
Another bit of interest is that the Shooting Star Hunt is not the norm. You don't look for the prize exactly, you wait for it to appear in all its particle glory, then run over to it and type a code in chat. So there is a very little bit of camping involved and it seems quite easy. The shooting star appeared outside the shop in my case so I am thinking the script is parcel oriented. It might be tougher to catch in larger shops.
Also new is my skin called Gina from Tuli. This will be a two week release starting Saturday as part of the Dressing Room Team. The official website is here, and I suspect Tuli group members will get a note on this soon. The skin is similar to Jade but with more pronounced eye creases. I am not a skin expert by any means, but she is very lovely. I personally like the added eyelid definition. She also seems to have a slightly older look perhaps because of cheekbone shading.
My last bit of news today is the new hair release from Miel. If you are on the Subscribo you received (SL willing) a big pack of demos. This indeed is the demo; oh the magic of photo editing. The netting for the bun is color change with neutral colors (we know I like neutrals) and it is very stylish. So even though I haven't purchased it yet, I want you to know I am pondering on it -- and that means a lot. I've been walking around all morning with text clouds floating overhead and I still think I look pretty darn good *wink*.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes:
Hair: Miel Wednesday Brown 2
Skin:[]::Tuli::[] The Dressing Room LE :: Gina 01
Clothing: RONSEM* BARE TUNIC; [NOP] G-SkinnyPants Black (NLA)
Accessories:[Baubles] Coffee Night Bangle Bracelet
Poses by Amacci.