Have You Ever
From Berry's Monday Meme since it is fast and easy and I am lazy these days -- well maybe not so much, just busy. Here goes.
- Have you ever owned a sim in Second Life? – Well technically I "own" LEA7 but since I actually am just the curator I think the correct answer is NO.
- Have you ever created content in Second Life? – Yes, lots for many years, mostly eclectic stuff that I make for myself and then sell mostly on the Marketplace.
- Have you ever driven a vehicle in Second Life? – Yes, but I am a VERY bad driver. Motorcycles (dire), cars (dangerous), boats (OK as it's a big ocean out there).
- Have you ever gone sky diving in Second Life? – No
- Have you ever played a sport in Second Life? – Skiing is what I remember long ago. There may have been others along the way.
- Have you ever gone clubbing in Second Life? – Yes, but not lately.
- Have you ever fangirled/fanboyed someone in Second Life? No
- Have you ever taken a picture of your avatar in water in Second Life? – Certainly. Here is one of my favorites.
- Have you ever taken a picture of a sunset in Second Life? – Yes! a favorite is up top.
- Have you ever taken a nude picture of your avatar in Second Life? – Lots of "almost naked" but at the very least I had a boa on *wink*.
- Have you ever dated in Second Life? – Yes
- Have you ever had or attended a wedding in Second Life? – Yes
- Have you ever drank, smoked or taken drugs in Second Life? – Yes, yes and no but I do have marijuana plants for sale LOL.
- Have you ever engaged in sexual activity in Second Life? – Not in the conventional sense of the question.
- Have you ever been to Bukkake Bliss in Second Life? No, had to look that up.