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Dark Sadness

TULI's Agnes / hex skin for Tres Chic

The Tuli Agnes / hex skin comes in both bloody and non-bloody versions and includes three pale skin tones. I am wearing the darkest. System skin and appliers for both Leluka and LOGO heads (Alex and Chloe) are in the pack. Bonus mesh eyes are also included (not worn here). Skin appliers are available. 

Tuli has always excelled in the pale skin tones and this release is no exception. I was extremely happy to see an applier for my head!   

This round's theme is "Season of the Witch".  

My jewelry is antique in more than one sense of the term, but perfect for this outfit -- Eclectica's Flourish (rose gold).  

larger photo here.

The Senzafine "Lothiriel" Dress comes in a variety of color packs with four colors via hud  in each collection. You can find it at We Love Role-Play

Amacci Hair - Effina (new)

Location: Mystical Island

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: aDORKable


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