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Forgotten Graveyard

Need an addition to your Halloween build or a photo backdrop for the season? 

You can find the Dirty Rat - The Forgotten Graveyard at the Halloween Shop and Hop. 

From the notecard:  

In the shadows of the crumbling stone gates, an ancient graveyard lays in eerie silence, long abandoned and overgrown. Time-worn crosses and shattered gravestones tell the stories of those who once rested in peace. Twisted iron gates creak in the wind, barely clinging to the decaying pillars. Vines snake their way up the weathered stone, as if trying to reclaim what was once lost.

Legend says that this graveyard holds more than just the remains of the forgotten. On moonless nights, the ground stirs, and faint whispers fill the air, beckoning the curious to enter. Few dare to wander too close to the crooked headstones and broken statues, fearing the unseen eyes watching from beyond. Will you unlock the secrets buried within or become part of the forgotten ?


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