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Elepahts in the Room


It is coming up on a month since LL's somewhat frowned upon ZOOM meeting  on creator security took place. The plan appears to be dead and for many folks that is a fitting status.  To my knowledge there was never any official announcement; a scan of the Featured News blog posts confirms the absence of follow through. 

It has been some weeks now since confusing emails went out about 1099 forms - some correspondence asked for  personal info.  While the version "I" received assured that a paper  form would be mailed if the email recipient failed to pick up the digital copy ===  so far I have no 1099 form.  According to the IRS rules companies NOT sending out 1099 forms by the end of January (the email was dated such) would have hefty fines incurred.  That probably won't happen since TILIA is NOT a US company.  Hmmmmm.  

Many Tilia changes and LL's  new policies on land tier are alarming folks affected.  Plenty of confusion surrounds all these issues but no answers.  The lengthy quiet certainly seems purposeful and the hoped for result is that folks will eventually forget and just go on with their virtual lives.  Many will.  

Personally?  I officially retired from creating in SL a week or so ago.  I will still be logging in, blogging, doing some art and styling --- and answering customer questions when needed.  

I have no plans to process credits or move dollars out to Paypal at least for the rest of the year.  Reassessment may come before then as there could be even more changes on the drawing board that affect my enthusiasm :D.

We will see. 

I have kept this blog for close to 20 years as a historical document as well as a personal diary. All articles remain including the political grid changing accounts.  Good times and bad, much like the corporeal world -- we hold on to "home".  

Premium Perks and lining up top impress folks and claim a bit of their "extra cash" -- if there is any of course.  And yet, I am staying with the basic plan.  You can call me a rebel and I will take that as a compliment.

PS, After I typed this more Premium Membership bonuses were unveiled.  Do I have some inside intel? Possibly, but most anyone can put the pieces together if you have a long range see-the-whole-picture viewpoint.  I am looking forward to discovering how things REALLY turn out. It is sometimes difficult to discern between "roadmap" and "smoke and mirrors" and SOMETIMES they both apply.

Welcome to the beginning of a Brave New World.  (Look that up if you didn't have to read it is school).  The real question is == do we really want to be in it?  



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