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Moving Day

This afternoon was moving in day. While my new stone shack had been in place for awhile, furniture and decorations were sparse. Taking a break from the hunting frenzy of late, I delved into my newer inventory and found some lovely pieces that worked together in my new rustic abode. It's been a long day and I'm pooped, so if you need more info on anything, leave a message on the answering phone *wink* as I'm headed out to the garden to commune with nature. I'll let the pictures speak for me.

Thanks to all the great content creators who furnished my place and to Parajen homes for making my house.

As always, click any photo for a larger picture.

Clothes by WoE.


Moving guide said…
Oh yeah, moving to a new home is a tough task. If you did it all by yourself,you deserve a lot of respect. Great animated pictures, by the way.

Regards, Jay.

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