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Witchy Season

We are moving into that that time of year when things go bump in the night. One of our virtual world's most active times, it is sure to be fun!

A very appropriate "do" for the drama of the season is Vanity Hair's Triada. Just out with an almost endless variety of colors to choose from -- hence good for costumes -- it is sleek and sexy and spooky (well, maybe not so spooky but I like the alliteration :D). 

My top is from BAIASTICE, the mini top.
Shoes from ArisAris, Safely High Heeled Sandals.
Undies of course come with Lara.

I haven't been able to get into COLLABOR88 yet. I am not a lover of gray anyway so patience will do for me.  If you are into modern witchcraft, this set from flowey x Teawood is for you. The Half Moon Tables are definitely eye-catching and the props are much fun. My favorite? The Tarot deck! These accessories are separate, not linked, so you can use any or all in any placement you like.

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Mayfly Eyes

Pose by: Pffiou! (nla)


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