Family History

The girls these days have no notion what life was like in the 50's, 60's or even 70's. While equality isn't quite here yet, it is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was back then.
My great-grandmother was a suffragette. She was also the first woman school principal in Texas -- at least that is the family lore. I come from a long line of interesting women. My mother was creative back before it became popular. My grandmother was a flapper and a damn good looking woman.
When we look back, it is difficult to imagine our lives as their lives, and I suspect it is just as difficult to imagine life as it is today from our daughter's or granddaughter's perspective. Things change and in the area of women's rights. They have moved forward. May they nudge a little bit further toward that teeter totter balancing position.
From this month's COLLABOR88 offerings we have:
{what next} Ironing Board with two sizes of texture change boards with iron giver and both ironing animation and static poses. A decor only prop is also in the mix. Laundry poster art completes the release. Great for virtual homemakers and perfect for family role play.
Stories&Co. Chloe Sundress which comes with two color huds (mostly solids) as well as a flat chested Maitreya version which would work well for preteen avatars. A Slink Physique version is also part of the offering.
Skybox: Trompe Loeil Attic Skybox
Hair: eXxEsS Mousse
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: the ironing board