Summer Shifting

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The sun has just moved into its summer bugling sign as I type this. The moon shines its brightest and the planet of moving forward is about to get out of its backward stepping dance. All good things.
I spent a good part of Monday cleaning inventory. I was fairly ruthless (not a pun but it can be one if you want it to be). I seem to have gained a little weight over the winter. Those xs sizes sometimes are a bit snug these days. The better news is that we have fitmesh now and even fitmesh for various bodies. And when the designer knows their craft, mesh can fit as well as texture garments and with a more realistic look.
With that in mind and the influx of odd and old items courtesy of the beta grid glytchiness, I began honing down my inventory once again. Clutter can easily accumulate when 1. you save things because they are well crafted; 2. wear many hats including content creator; and 3. have a plethora if goodness coming your way in a constant stream via blogging and designer groups.
Happily I have always been a minimalist and I toss often; so not a collector it wasn't difficult to part with about 5000 items in my clothing folder. I deleted all things that no longer fit, items that the mesh really wasn't all that wonderfully made compared to the quality it can be now, some REALLY old texture items that I had deleted once all ready but returned like mongrel puppies -- and things that simply were no longer ME.
I spend most of my days in a few outfits anyway. They change over time of course and new favorites replace old. I banished a few items with less than happy memories attached to them and saved a smattering of older garments that I absolutely love and that were WAY ahead of their time quality-wise.
I plan to continue with my closet cleaning. There are many folders to go through. I also -- on a whim of the day -- took backups of all the main areas in my almost quarter sim rental plot. Coalesced they were of course and put in their own folders explaining where and when the rubik's cube icons were born. I hope I never need them, but collections like this have saved me a few times over the years.
Lani and I are both looking pretty good these days. In Summer mode befitting our corporeal landscapes, we venture into girlishness now and then. After my inventory purge I vow to really think before keeping things. My goal is 35,000. Since I almost always feature NEW things, I really only need to keep my personal favorites to wear if I should have the occasion to actually get out and about :D.
The Portico Set will be available at Lost and Found starting the 22nd. Items can be purchased individually or as a fatpack. Four colors of woods by menu. Look for the ChiC buildings booth (take a right at the fork). Bench by Trompe Loeil.
My outfit is a current release from Elegance Boutique at Tres Chic (previously featured).
Lani's hair is enVOGUE HAIR - Kendra (free at Hairology)
My hair is from Amacci at Tres Chic - Liza
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: the Trompe Loeil Cortona Bench