Creamy Chocolate

If you love cool dark toned skin colors, Tea Lane has a new line out for you. The chocolate skins come in 16 makeups, with and without freckles. This is a lovely color, reminiscent of Caribbean beaches and warm nights - for me anyway :D

Eyebrows can be changed with sliders to find the perfect shape for your face. There are three new makeups for the complete line of skin tones. This is Lindsay.

And if your tastes run to lighter shades, there are plenty of those also. Shown above and below is Cynthia in Birch. Single skin packs (regular and freckled versions included) are $200.

For the bargain conscious, there are 16 $2 skins available and a new Midnight Mania lucky board skin featuring a hard working steam punk girl (pale skin) with touches of dirt and grease :D There is also a shape with demo available.
Hair by Truth, lingerie by Nuclear Boutique (no longer available). Poses by LAP.