Je t'aime - A New Sim

Je t'aime has a new sim. It is grand and opulent, charming and serene. It is experience shopping. Like many content creator at Phil's Mascha Boa dreams big. Her dreams are coming true in this labor of love build, and with 53 new items on the wall, yours can too. Shown here is just a small part of th Leather & Latex Party Fatpack in sunny yellow. Find it in the Leather and Latex building. Use the teleport board near the land point if you don't feel like exploring. Me? I'll take the short walk and enjoy.

I spent a delightful morning with Mascha Boa touring the new area, talking business and the like. The sim felt bigger than the regulation size. Perhaps it is because there is so much to see. One edge hosts a bathing beach with some impressive sand over cobblestone effects. The shops facing this area are about swimwear -- ah the logic. Many of the shops are empty now, but don't look for rental signs; they are space for future Je t'aime releases.

There is a RFL vendor marketplace set up in one corner of the sim. Mascha is a big believer in charities and you will see RFL vendors sprinkled liberally around the sim with her best selling items.

A major portion of the sim is taken up with a palace, a baroque Hofburg replica to be exact. It is huge and includes a ballroom and even a parade "dance floor" for horses. Oh my. Some lacy dress vendors grace the walls in part, but mostly it is waiting for an occasion -- a grand one.
The Fashion of Je t'aime continues HERE.