Lucky Eggs at WRONG

When I saw a poster from WRONG that there was an Easter Egg Hunt on, I was excited. I still think that their candy bar hunt was one of the best (wink). It turns out it is really the Lucky Easter eggs, not exactly a hunt for hidden objects, but that's OK. The prizes are great. I actually got three just in the time I was there looking and taking photos. And I TPed in some friends so I could show you a few of the available gifts.

The first thing I won was this really GREAT hoodie. It comes with tons of layer options so you can wear it with just about anything. The hoodie part is one of the nicest I've seen. The hair I am wearing is from a 30 minute early morning camp. (Well you might as well camp while you're reading the fashion feed :D ) The store is Candy House and the hair pack comes with brown, black, blond and a caramel color. It would be especially good for photo shoots as it has a windblown look. There is another style available in another chair.
Jeans by WoE, shoes by Juicy, Pose by ANA_mations.

I TPed a few friends in to get goodies. These are one of three styles of 3/4 jeans found in one of the eggs. I have the long version of these and love them. The eggs rez here and there on the floor. They stay around for awhile (5 to 10 minutes maybe) so you can TP friends right to the eggs. There are a few people watching for eggs right now but it isn't too crowded or laggy and there is plenty to look at if you decide to wait around for more eggs to rez.

This cute skirt was in an egg that lucky Xia won. It is very short and very nicely made. You could wear it over leggings too if that is more your style.
Lucky eggs are a product of the season and you will most likely see them around and about for the next few weeks. When you spy one with your initial on it, just right click and "Grab it". And it is yours. You need to be fairly close to the eggs to see them, so flying low -- as long as it isn't crowded -- is a good plan.
I also won a pair of prim suspenders. So lots of great prizes.