Random Goodness : Part 2

You want special? This lovely -- off the wall -- $625 gown from Silk Dreams is the Random gift :D . It comes complete with classic pumps. The pattern is delicate, intricate and lovely.

The bodice is daring but still ladylike. All the important bits stay covered. Well of course they do, this is a classy dress. If you are looking for a eye-stopping gown for the Spring, this is it. It comes in other colors of course. You'll find them at the store.
Hair by HOH not part of hunt. Poses by LAP.

WoE's gift includes the unisex shirt I showed in part one of this series as well as a nice resizable belt (both men's and women's). The jeans come bootcut or with extensions. The version for guys is looser. They are coal wash and black respectively. A nice set of unisex black socks is included too. Hair by HOH not part of hunt.