Twisted Hearts

Another stop on the Twisted Hunt tour is Indie Rose. This outfit is part of their gift which also includes skin and shapes (not worn). I added my M'z Engineer boots from this week and some Philotic Energy hair. Pose in the theme of the hunt :D

This great voodoo necklace comes from ::Yellow JesteR:. A male sized version is included in the gift. The dramatic hair is from .:Astaroth:. - also a Twisted Hunt prize.

Also from .:Astaroth:. but part of the Greatest Love Hunt (round yellow box with red heart) is the great belt called Heartbreaker. I SO love it. It is sized for guys but resizes for gals. It includes handcuffs, knife, tiny cage (to keep hearts?) A nicely done red Astaroth logo on the buckle coordinates with other red touches. It is right by the Twisted hunt box so difficult to miss either one. Yeah.
Pants here are from the Dilly Dolls outfit. Tank by Nuclear Boutique (no longer available). Pose by LAP.
I'm not sure. I might be getting into Twisted mode :D
As an aside, I have to say that if you go on the Twisted Hunt, you may need to check the official website for names of the vendors. Some boxes are really hidden, and with the TP problems of late, it may be difficult to go in numerical order. On the plus side, there are MANY exceptional gifts in this hunt and lots of new fun places to explore. I have a lot of folders with the word "keep" added to the description. That is not my norm.