Lucky Little Heaven

There aren't many places where green dots stay around lucky chairs for long. Most often, new items come out, people flock and wait and watch and get their goodies and journey on. But whenever I TP into Little Heaven for some photo backdrops, there is almost always someone hanging out. Often a group and often friends. So, I've watched the chairs offhandedly while taking photos. A couple of nights ago it was a jackpot. Not only for me, but for my two storemates Xia and Benicia.

It's easy to see why these chairs are so popular. I have no idea what might be new and what might be older, but there are a lot of great outfits in these three chairs. Most come with shoes; many come with hair.

These are just three of the outfits available. There is also a specialty skin, a flying broom, and a few other goodies I'll let you discover for yourself. This outfit includes the broom with poses and hair.

I really like this costume I won. The leg warmers come off if you wish and the shoes can be worn alone. The hair and hat come together and I am not a "blond" in my mind so that doesn't work too well for me personally. The socks and garters are to die for and the details of all the outfits are superb. So when you have some time, stop on by Little Heaven and watch the chairs. They are in a separate building, not far from the TP point.

And here is a witchy vixen outfit courtesy of a former winner and watcher. There are so many different items in the chairs you could stay for a long time. There are lucky chairs in the hair department also. Have fun.
Poses by LAP and "broom". Benicia's hair by HOH.