Je t'aime - Fashion

Je t'aime is well known for its leather and latex. The new designs come in a rainbow of colors. I showed you some of the Party Pack in sunny yellow in my previous post, and here we have the blood red version. Dark and mysterious, the color calls to passion. The new outfits all come in the same rainbow of colors so are perfect for mixing and matching.

Not everything is latex and leather of course. This lovely sheer lace dress comes with many many options of how much to show. I chose somewhere near but not quite the "hottest" designation. Well why not? It is a lovely Spring yellow and I picked it up at the lucky chair next to the Leather and Latex store. There are lucky chairs all around the sim including some with guy stuff.

And for those of you that want to try out the new designs, you can find the undies and bra top in a lovely copper color for a Linden in the center of the Leather and Latex store. The donation goes to RFL. Wear it as undies or as swimwear if you want to show off a bit.
Oh, and there is a MENS department starting in the underground. Go to the middle of the sim and take the escalator down.