Fantastic and Free

I've been checking the chairs from time to time at **Phonix Design**and**FireFall** . This afternoon was THE time and not only did I TP in Benicia to get the great outfit you see above, the same chair (one of four) turned into a "C". Woot! So we are both decked out in period garb. I feel a bit like a Robin Hood follower and that is OK with me.
Each outfit comes with TONS of choices. Mine has a full skirt, undershirt, different collars -- you get the idea. The golden beauty comes with both brown and rust pieces plus all the accoutrement's, so it might take you a bit of time dressing should you win these, but the end result will be spectacular.
There are other items in the chairs of course including jewelry and skins and hair ornaments. These seem to be the stars of the show as far as I am concerned, so we are both very happy.

Need some femininity in your life without going over to the cutesy side of the street? This print mini by DCNY should fit the bill. It comes with two choices of skirts. This is the sculpty one which fit me perfectly. It is free for 48 hours starting a bit ago. It is only available at the main shop.