Petit Chou - Part 2

I continued my hunting at Petit Chou (see earlier post here) and did indeed find more goodies. In fact I found some phenomenal things and I definitely needed to show you. Need to feel like a princess? Well we all do from time to time I think. This gorgeous (68 prim) bed from The Fading Lands isn't easy to find, but synchronicity in the form of lag was on my side. And I am the happy owner. There is also ( for you partnered folks) a multi animation bed "thingie" (wink) from the same store owner so keep looking. (No, the bed doesn't float in the air - LOL. I have NO prims to work with so this is above the sandbox. Ah the things we bloggers do for you guys!)

And, I forgot to mention that there are special one of a kind prizes including $1000 gift cards from Ztique . These are apparently put out daily-ish so no need to worry about them being all gone. If you are lucky enough to find one of these or their friends, you could be buying one or both of these saucy pairs of shoes. These super cute short boots come complete with mini top hat in coordinating black (see first post for similar style).

And are these BOOTS or WHAT? Woot! I will seriously have to work on some outfits for these babies. Slightly over the top and loving it! Happy girl. Happy dance. You can be dancing too if you are really lucky. Go girls!

Benicia found this very lovely necklace from Ztique. But I got the boots. Ya-nah-nah-NA-nah! LOL.
All in all this has been loads of fun on many levels. I hope you get to Petit Chou and enjoy it also.
Poses by LAP.