Shining Stars

In every venue there are stars, people that shine a little brighter than the others. I've been hunting and gathering a lot of late and have found a lot of super things to show you. Today it was the Fly A Kite hunt. I visited about 20% of the vendors in this HUGE hunt.
I should warn you that this doesn't appear to be a fashion hunt in that many of the gifts are for homeowners. There are some lovely things -- an intricate and beautifully textured oriental bridge for one thing, a flying machine I haven't tried out yet, etc. But since most of you read this blog for fashion, I wanted to make mention.
I really feel like I need to give you my opinion here, and the last time I did that (over a year ago) I got flamed a lot. But for those of you that read my personal blog because I actually give you my take on things --- this hunt does not appear to be (at least from the sampling I have done today) my favorite one. OK. No big set of details. Let's just say I ended up in quite a few places that I really wanted to escape from -- with or without booty in tow. And for me, a good portion of the hunt is the journey and finding new fun places to explore.
Eventually I looked through the partial list of vendors at the website to see if any names hit me. I found Nushru, who I blogged from the Greatest Love St Pat's Hunt and whose shop I wanted to explore more anyway. And so I did. The dress above is from Nushru. It is the same style as the one from the St Pat hunt, but different colors.

And here is the gift that made the day worthwhile. These perfect for Spring short boots. They can be found at Midnight Reflections. It is a lovely spot and very dark, earthy and romantic. Not a shop, a venue and club. I had already made a landmark for photo ops here (wink). The boots appeared to come from Image Reflections, so I journeyed over there to take a look. Lo and behold, these boots ARE there and you can pick up a pair in white or black for $400. There are LOTS of great boots there as well as sexy little dresses and some super stockings. The owner's picks note says the shop was established in 2004. That's pretty much ancient in SL terms - LOL.

There is a thanks for visiting gift (see background) not far from the BOOTS ! It's a nice change from green :D There is also a cute red corset set (shirt and jacket layers) at Nushru, so look for that while you are shopping the vendors :D
I guess I just wanted to acknowledge the folks (and these aren't the only ones I am sure) that go above and beyond in the gift department and to let them know that some people remember their names.
Hair by HOH, poses by Vain and LAP.