
There is a heavy duty chair watch going on at Jeckalicious in Obsession. I am now the proud owner of a brown, black and red coat as well as this very cute and bloody dress below. The chairs were turning quickly with so many folks there. Woot.

This dress comes with resize scripts and the cutest frilly gloves. The headband is included. Hair by Bewitched, pose by LAP.

And this mini dress is also in the chair. Xia said she had to do some major modding of the skirt panel but it looks good to me :D
While the coats are the major draw, it's wonderful to know the other prizes are nice too. Strangely enough there are very few things to buy at the store. The coats are there, but when I tried I couldn't see prices. It seems the shop is just being set up and maybe this is simply an introduction. Well, it certainly worked.
Edit: This was apparently an SL problem with the clothes not showing up. Someone commented on and you apparently CAN (when things are working) buy the items. So go forth and purchase if they are showing up for you :D