Random Goodness : Part 1

There is definitely something for everyone on The Most Random Hunt Ever. From wagons to ball gowns, shoe to skins -- and some GUY stuff too. The ohsocute wagon with pillows is from MudHoney. Only 23 prims, but that is 22 more than I have available so it will have to go into storage. If you have a spot for it however, it is extremely nicely made. Not a surprise as the store is filled with wonderful furniture.

The Unisex tee comes from WoE (only part of their gift) and the pants from Fear and Clothing. The pants come in both regular and boot cut and include two sizes of prim buckles. The skin is from Loser Design and comes complete with bullet hole in forehead. Not my typical makeup choice but great for certain occasions (wink). Hair from HOH and boots from M'z (not part of hunt).

This Springtime dress is from Dani. The top would work very well with pants as there is an underwear pants layer (how nice!). Hair from Calla not part of hunt.

And as serendipity would have it, the shoes from Pretties by JB work perfectly with Dani's. Don'tcha just love when that happens?
Poses by ANA_mations and LAP.