RFL Clothing Fair - Part 2

The theme this year as you most likely know is PIRATES and there are some lovely wench outfits in a few of the kiosks. Some vendors are decorating in pirate style and some seem to want to do their own thing :D Of the booths I have seen so far, I was most impressed with On A Lark. Not being familiar with the store as yet, I can't tell you much about the normal flavor of the clothes. At the fair? They are definitely in theme with titles to match! Much fun.
This portion of my trip, I continued counter clockwise. Somewhere along the way however the titles in the About Land changed and no region numbers were appearing. So I got to about the middle of the Caspean Sea just a bit past Alienbear Gupte's booth.

Here's my public service announcement :D . Alienbear Design has put out both this lovely necklace and matching earrings as gifts with a donation to RFL. I read about this awhile ago and thought it was a great idea. These days with the economy as it is and with fewer people with shopping dollars, it is something that anyone can feel good about doing. Almost anyone can afford $5. It's a lovely necklace that you can wear often -- the earrings also. From the kiosk totals it looked like the idea was going over very well. So be a part and do you bit and all that. And you can always donate MORE than the $5 of course!

This is an oh so fun gift from Total Betty famous for having a sense of humor for sure. I love it AND I actually have hair with rollers. So some day, I'll be decked out in this on the deck of my new store (more on that in another post) gazing at the gorgeous view. Works for me.
This lovely satiny and long undershirt comes from Ornamental Life. I believe it is meant as underwear but it could definitely go under a jacket or as a stand alone top. There is a fat pack of undies in a neighboring gift bag. This is SO silky feeling. With this and some slippers and my face mask (and curlers) I am really set - LOL.

Who's your favorite mouseketeer? Well Minnie of course. This cute dress with mouse club hat and oversized shoes comes from A Touch of Ireland who has a whole top floor of timely outfits if you still don't have anything to wear to the party :D Fun! And the dress with low cut back is cute all by itself.
Hair by Catbird, poses by LAP.