Hunting in Style

I remember the first time I visited SIC49. I may have even been when I was with Second Life Colors -- a long while ago anyway. It is a great place for photos. So many, many backdrops for a variety of uses. If you can shoot at night with a bodylight, it is particularly dramatic. All that neon glow :D
It's been a day of bumping into people for me. First I ran into Hazel Homewood from the blogs. Some of you will undoubtedly remember Fab Hazel :D. Then I heard there was a hunt going on at SIC, did some research (difficult when you don't read the language) and decided I check it out anyway.
When I TPed in, the person to great me was DANY, owner of a shop that I blogged about yesterday. We didn't know each other really, but she recognized me and luckily I recognized her name too :D So, she was kind enough to have another multi lingual speaker tell me how it all worked. And now "I" can pass that along to you.

First you TP here. You are looking for this sign. Click on it to get a HUD. Wear the Hud. A small box will appear in the upper middle of your screen. This, as I understand it keeps track of what you have found. You can see the HUD in the picture above if you click to enlarge it. When you have found all the boxes, the HUD will tell you what to do. Now, this is the tricky part. I suspect that it won't tell you in English. I just thought of that - so sorry. So I suggest that as you get close, you shout out your need some help. Best bet would be to take a friend along that can read the instructions or post on the forums for a group to go with. That would be really fun. Or you can simply go for the adventure. I find that often that is the best part!
Edit: OK someone took pity on me (and you) and here is the skinny. When you get all of the boxes showing as filled on your HUD, go to the main building on Sic and click the "Get Item" button on your HUD. I am guessing that is obvious? I hope so. Good luck. Remember it is a big area to cover so going with friends would be the best bet.

You are looking for boxes like this. They glow and pulsate and are fairly large (over half a meter anyway). They are scattered around and about and are hidden but not too hard to find when you get close to them.

The prize is the gun you see on the poster. Since I am a "make love not war" gal, I opted not to hunt, but I definitely enjoyed my time in SIC49 and will return again. While you do not need to join the group to hunt (at least I don't think so), you can join the Sick Residence group and get an example of the box you are looking for as well as this unbelievably cool hunting jacket I am wearing. A landmark to the starting point is also in the archives. The jacket is unisex and it looks great with my new boots from Dilly Dolls.
And if you just want to go explore and take photos, my translator of the day told me there were clothes to be won in the slots parlor. That's worth a look see too :D
Hair by HOH. Poses by LAP.