Spring Shorties

This is one of three outfits in the Moxie Palonos lucky chair at Haute Couture sim. There has been a chair watch going on there since this post (I'm only guessing :D ) came out last eve. There may have been one going on before. The red dress is gorgeous for sure. I added some shoes from Tuli and pink hair from Little Heaven.

Galeria Fashions has a cute jean jumper as a gift for just one day -- so hurry. It comes with a brief undershirt with a smiling kitty, but I chose something a bit warmer under mine -- a favorite and no longer available top from the retired Nuclear Boutique. Sometimes we just love certain things. I added some multicolored bangles from Mythology and my Dilly Doll heels which I changed to blue. Hair by Calla.

I did some exploring at the Haute Couture sim as I hadn't been for awhile. I found some great stores as well as a big fat pack of sweaters at SFD. Find the gift bags in the middle of the room. Difficult to miss. This color SO goes with my Mythology bangles. Woot. Jeans by WoE.

And for the guys, there are some nice tuck shirts for men. They come in a fat pack of colors as a gift. Find them next to the sweaters for gals.
Poses by LAP.