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A Sprinkling of Snow

The holidays are at our doorstep. Hurry. Hurry. Much to do.

If you are feeling a tad bit overwhelmed this season, relax take a deep breath and relax in something both cozy, sexy -- and warm in some places.  The new Ducknipple: Vest vs1  comes with color change area INSIDE the hoodie.   If 1965 wasn't a good year for you *wink* or if you weren't around back then, call this a retro outfit with fond memories of mom or grandmom.  It all works!

Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Werewolf (werewolf?) fits.

Hair: Mousse by eXxEsS
Necklace MEVA

watch (very old - nla)

Pose by: Nantra


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