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Whispering Sands

Spectacular outfits awaits you at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival,   “Lailaa”  Dancer Silks  by !dM deviousMind.

The rare version in this video has a slightly tricky (Right click and choose "touch") hud. Yep, I skimmed over that in the notecard busily reading all the other info :D.  From there you get a menu that let's you change color options (five choices), metal, and the transparency of the silk. The common designs have the same style menu for transparency and metal options.

There is a total of 18 sets that can be collected consisting of 15 commons and 3 rares.  Lara and Hourglass fits.

This is my kind of gacha; it is easy to see why. This is one of the commons!  :D.

Go forth, win great things!

Fountain with singles and couples pose available in dark and light versions available at ChiC buildings.

Posed by: aDORKable


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