Best Free Male Fullbody Avatar for SL
Someone wrote on the SL forums the other day -- looking for a free body for a new to SL male friend. My first thought was (of course) altamura since they have been giving out free bodies for both girls and guys for years now. But -- some investigation confirmed that those have been removed from the shop. There is currently a female full body avatar there for group (fee applies); nothing for the guys.
It is tough being a male in Second Life. Fewer choices. I did a bit of research and found where a few of the altamura free male bodies now reside (see below) but along the way I found a much better option to share with you.
This is the Neo Prototype body which is $1 linden on the Marketplace. The body is separate from the head. It comes with a fairly comprehensive (not big slices) alpha hud and a very nice skin which is many steps above what you usually see in free avatars.
I did NOT like the shape at all and adjusted to what you see here. The neck seam is barely noticeable -- something that we don't always see even in the high priced bodies. The briefs come as part of the gift.
Now there is a caveat here -- and it is a big one LOL. The eyes are completely -- well "wonky" is the word I want to use. No manner of changing the head shape would get them to stay inside the head. So not rigged properly.
BUT if you are willing to be cool and always wear sunglasses (goggles, blindfold, mask etc) this is by far the best free male body out there IMO.
I didn't try on any clothes. I am going to assume that there will be the same typical non-standard mesh body fitting issues. But there will likely be some things that fit; it just takes effort and time to find them.
Now for those of you that can't see yourself as the cool dude showering with shades -- here is where you can find the older altamura gift bodies.
Dedicated landing point so follow the red arrow, beam or do a search for "Tommy" :D.
Glasses Deep Static
Hair: Emo-tions