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It is getting a little bit easier to get into The Arcade - finally.   While I wasn't shopping for anything personal this round I still like to play, so I decided to play for RARES.   After 27 or so rounds at maybe five machines I can say that for ME the RARES were coming up == rarely LOL.   Even if seeing them high up in the drop down queue counts.   I did, very luckily score this head dress from the Belle Epoque machine.  If you have a use, it is impressive. There is a pretty extensive color change hud that comes with.  The set is big and honestly in 20 tries I only saw the rare twice. So not that easy to get.  

Some items looked better on the vendor than rezzed; that's not really new news. But I will say that Hextraordinary gets great marks for some cute dog animesh, the rares are super cute.  I rezzed them them, admired, then packed them up and sent to a friend.  I am not a "dog" person. Still fun to see.  I'll stick to my  alpaca.    

Top very old and no longer available. 

Pose by: Helamiyo


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