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A Rustic Victorian Winter

I mentioned  a few days ago that my snow plot would likely have some changes and of course that DID happen. I loved that big house but I am just not a big house gal.  So I took one of my popular older builds and made a snow add on (my first really so it was an adventure) and it is working much better for my tiny house mentality. It isn't all that tiny really, but much smaller than a lot of the McMansions that abound :D.  I am decorating in the era of the house so more than a century ago.   I am not sure that my great grandmother ever had a house this fancy really but I am thinking of her as I decorate.

In the foreground is the Trompe Loeil - Outdoor Winter Camping Scene which I noticed when I landed at the Trompe Loeil shop on route to check out the Superfans deals (more on that in a later post).  I remembered the scene from a past Advent calendar gacha and it goes perfectly in my front yard.  I lowered the snowy base so that my already installed snow patches would blend in. You could also retexture that prim to match your terrain textures if you have that ability.  I WILL be removing the twinkle lights because they of course didn't have those in the late 1800s LOL.  But I wanted you to see the original build.  All the past advents are out again this year as copy fatpacks.  I am looking forward to a new set coming out this year; fingers crossed. 


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