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Late Nights - Early Morns

Did you miss me? There have been a lot of late nights and early morns in my life of late. When I finally logged in (yes, again early) I was greeted with a review pack of eyes from Treasured Visions. If you were at the red shoe hunt at the Oz sim, you have undoubtedly been to Treasured Visions even if you didn't realize it!

I now know -- from the notecard -- that most of these eye series take 6-8 hours to complete as they are all hand drawn with no photosourcing. There are a large variety of styles and colors available. The ones shown above in the dark night are called Clubbing: Bloody rust and while they live up to their name, they also have an incredible shine of watery depths. They are indeed my favorites!

Here are a couple more shots -- close ups and better for your viewing.

These are called Envy :D

And these not so basic brown beauties are called abduction. Lovely.


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