Women Only Hunt 2017 Stars 1
A few favorites from the WHO4 hunt. Pick up your hud here.
As the hunt began there was at least one empty box and one missing blue snowflake (your hunt item). Also there is at least one where you will HAVE to click for a hint as the gift is nowhere near the landing point of the store (sad face).
From page one of the hud. Super cute sweater from cheeky, DAZED Fogging Up Glasses and Slipper Snowgirl Necklace.
Pose by: HELLO Poses (page one of the hunt hud)
Note that there ARE decoys and while most stores maxed at one, at least one store had a six or seven. Nothing to break the record set LONG ago for about a thousand decoys on one stop of a hunt. I found the photo from October 2011. I am not kidding; they went on WAY past my photo shot boundaries.
It is the weekend and it is the holidays. Put those together and it has been tough all over the grid. My up to over 200 fps on my building pad has been below 80 which is RARE and things just aren't working as we would like them to.
The hud, while large to see the logos now closes for your camming please (a plus for sure). If it stops working as it did for Sami, detach and reattach as your first choice. Relogging didn't help in her case. There was a fair amount of falling through pads in the sky, but again -- weekend and holidays and just the way it is :D.
From page 2 of the HUD
From [JUSTICE] a superb (in caps) not your mother's hoodie. I love this!
Pose by Helamiyo from the Crazy set (part of the hunt).
Really lovely mesh!
And from [[Masoom]] a striking dress with hud for changing the colors on the metal. Quite lovely.
That's it for our first report, gals. Sami says some of those snowflakes are pretty tricky so work hard. She has missed at least two so far -- they may not be out or she might just not have found them. Even old hunters can miss things :D.