Adventuring and Surprises

Out hunting and gathering (note the low prim outfit), I found a few places of interest. Hence a short informational post is a comin'.
Photography Studio Supplies has a huge assortment of FREE USE photo backdrops. These come with modeling stands, but the ones I tried had the antique MM model poses and we don't use those any more do we? Please nod your head in the affirmative. Good girls *wink*. I did try them out though and the poses seem to be low priority so that you can use many of your own poses instead. Just jump on the stand and then play your pose. There were several gals in the bloggers group looking for free studios, so this is one option.

On a personalesce note, I found a really fun shop called Agent Orange at Desperation Kelly. It has the most interesting "stuff" and that is definitely the correct term for this imaginative retro, grunge, eclectic collection of goodies. While looking for the gold leaf I found a watermelon (yeah) , a lucky chair with regular store merchandise and a top floor full of great freebies. So venture over and take a look. That's me in the top picture on a free couch with three great click through poses that fit me perfectly. Can we say "Woot"? And as I was typing this, I was watching the lucky chair while checking my SLURLs. I am now the proud owner of an old crate marked "cocaine". You just never know when you might need one of those. It has a pose with it. Fun.
And for you modern and techie folks, I found a good looking TV on a MM board at a very spiffy store called !-Icarus Home And LIghting. I have no idea what the number is as it was in lockdown, but if you want a nice looking TV, come by early tomorrow and see if it is still available.
Several new places are now in my landmarks --- all from the Fall Fun Hunt which I just finished. With lots of unpacking to do, I'll be off. Getting my box cutter out and those packages opened, I'll be seeing ya later.
<3 Sienia