Romance and Weddings

Is there a wedding in your future? If so, congratulations. If it is only a dream at present, you can still visit the Wedding Expo. Romance can be yours even if you haven't found that perfect someone. Lot of pretty booths with a huge assortment of all things pertaining to love and romance. There is a gift table in the middle of the exhibit, so work your way towards the center pavilion. Benicia's favorite gift was this sexy yet demure gown from KAY COUTURE (main shop URL). The charm bracelet from Flirt (main shop URL) goes nicely.
And if you need a truly beautiful fountain for your wedding, or simply want to keep the romance going so you may GET there *wink*, the new group lucky boards at Belle Belle should definitely be on your radar. The fountain is gorgeous as you might expect and there is a wonderful, loving animation included for special moments. There are two sets of boards for the clicking: (SLURL#1) and (SLURL#2).

Guys haven't been left out of the Wedding Expo gifts; a very nice shirt and dark jeans set comes from *EROS Fashions by Keth* (main shop SLURL). The shirt comes with a variety of layers and choices of open or closed, tucked or untucked. Also for the guys, a complexly detailed onyx bracelet from Smooth Designs (main shop SLURL). Don't worry ladies, Smooth Designs has a nice gift for you too in the same pack :D.

Lastly I wanted to mention that this VERY pretty umbrella lawn set comes from Antique Artistry. The textures are impressive, the sizing for us fairly normal folks *wink* and the details are lovely. So check out the store if you are in need of some Victorian elegance.
Top pose by LAP.