Poses Poses Poses

I just finished the Pro Posers Hunt and while I didn't find ALL the hand symbols, I certainly came away with lots of bootie. The gifts are great and if you have a significant other, you are definitely set. There are LOTS of couples poses. I was mostly interested in the new to me shops and I did find a few that I will definitely be watching in the future. The guys are well represented in this hunt and I would venture to say that the gifts are pretty much equal in the M-F categories.
The pose above is from DARE who has a big collection of Disco Night poses as their gift.

The top left pose is one of three from PIDDLE; I'm sure I'll be using it often. You may note that the poses I have featured here all have hands above the waist. That was an unconscious decision on my part. I have a lot of wonderful standing poses and there are some great ones in this hunt that will join my collection, but I can definitely use these above the waist poses for jewelry. Yeah!
While I was hunting and gathering, I picked up the swim togs from Everglow. The bikini, some tattoos and a pose are in an obvious gift bag -- one of the first things visible when you come in the store. So while you are looking for the hand, you might want to grab the bag. The pose is a nice symmetrical crossed leg stand. Everglow is also responsible for the kneel shown at the right, a great cover-those-nipples pose for tattoos, like the stars one shown in the photo, also part of the Everglow dollarbie pack.
The bottom pose is from LAP. I picked it especially to illustrate a point. There are lots of couples poses -- both lover and friends types -- in this hunt. Don't let that dissuade just because you are single. You can often use one of the poses in the set for your photo shoot -- and with great results. Some of the stands I use the most came from group sets. You can also open many of the poseballs (mod ones) and use the pose separately without the balls.

The hunt is only 41 stops, but resting is a good thing. At Mela's I took a break to sit on one of three ten minute camp chairs and garner a pose. There is a pack of kimono poses nearby for a linden. I am pretty sure I had all these at one time, but things do tend to disappear from our inventories without our planning, so it was good to find them again :D. You might try sitting on a camp chair while you are camming for the hand. Just a thought *wink*.
I am going to be a VERY good girl this afternoon and finish unpacking and going through the couple's poses. I have noted their flavor (romantic - friends - girl/girl etc.) on the folders since some of them are no mod. Organization, a key we often overlook because it isn't a lot of fun (sigh).
PS. There are two great fence pose props in this hunt. One for two people from :+: Studio SIdhe :+: (shown in the background of a photo above) and one for five from Pffiou. I am VERY much looking forward to using those soon. Yep, I am!