Au Natural

Ladybugs and poppies -- oh my! And we must not forget the daisies and the dandelions.
I started off the day unpacking my 59 items from the Skipping Stones Hunt. I had a plan, and as plans often do -- it went astray. All by itself mind you. I had absolutely NOTHING to do with it!
Number seven on the grand tour is i love 13 who bills itself as a "Blood Punk Spooky Ghost Alternative Psychobilly kid". Ladybug pasties? Yep. So creative and kookie I couldn't help but smile. This was the perfect outfit to show off some tattoos I'd been hoarding. You can of course leave the pasties off, add a tank and still have a statement making ensemble.
First up is a lovely dandelion tattoo from Kunstkammer (Stepping Stones stop #1). It is part of a gift pack that includes poofers and eyes. The tattoos come in all layers and three versions of black, white and faded. Very pretty.

The Yin-Yang tattoo on the top left is from ::Tattitude:: (Fall Fun Hunt) and is in the GUY gift. The tummy tattoo is the front section of the Fed Up Neko outfit I blogged yesterday. Great for open jackets when you are wearing just the jacket *wink*.
In case you missed the post about my great new Prestige boots, it is here. And I have to admit that I really didn't want to take them off. So one more post with them before they go into the closet for a bit. That's the plight of the blogger; we often don't get to wear things long enough. (Insert sigh here.)

Another guy tattoo that can crossover into girldom as needed is from .:Passione Questi. Coming in all layers and four colors, it is indeed versatile. Check the lucky chair for some full body tattoos (and maybe more) if you venture over.
Last on my full list is a small prim neck tattoo from Fallen Angel. This is quiet pretty, comes in two sizes and was free at one of the locations. Unfortunately I can't find that location (bad blogger), BUT while looking for it I found a lot of gifts and dollarbies at THIS location. And I TPed in Xia to click the lucky board just in time. She now has a nice looking upper body butterfly tattoo to wear. It all works! Don't miss the anniversary group gift at Fallen Angel. It's all near my TP point in the corner.
Poses by Tuli, Glitteratti and LAP.