Colorful Mikanx

Xia and I spent some time this afternoon trying out some of my new prizes from the Pro Posers Hunt. We skipped the obviously in love (or at least lust) ones and concentrated on the friendly ones. It's always a challenge with Xia as she is so petite; but just like in the real world, we all come in different shapes and sizes.
Quite a few poses were great but no mod, so unless you measurements were similar to the pose makers, they didn't work. A shame really, but they will work for some folks, that's a given. The couples pose from Luth is exceptionally cute and I'm sure it will work with one of the fellows as a partner. I can't wait to try it out.
Thanks to Beanie, Xia and I had lots of goodies to show you from a shop called Mikanx. There is a huge selection of freebies in the middle of the shop. I went looking for what Beanie had blogged and found things I liked even more. There is also some really fun art on the walls which appears to be the work of the designer in the real world. As I don't read Japanese, I can't really tell. Her blog is here.
Our top poses are from LAP, one of the guy-guy poses that obviously works for gal friends too. Yeah!
Most everything we are wearing is from the shop. There are more items than you suspect included in a pack, even in just a free tee shirt box. Oh my! The socks and leggings are really great and come in various colors. Definitely a must have if your wardrobe is on the skimpy side. My orange and gold garb is part of a dollarbie pack. All the other items are completely free. How great!
The poses on the left are from Ana_Nations and the poses on the right are from LAP. My shoes are from Pretties by JB and Image Reflections. Xia's are from Lazy Places. Xia's pants are from Pixeldolls (top photo) and Clothes Horse. All have been previously featured.
PS. The lacy leggings that Xia is wearing are actually transparent! Neither of us noticed that at first - LOL. So, be sure and wear them UNDER something else, OK? Don't wantcha arrested. They comes in tons of colors and are simply great.
I just love that little store.
In addition to Mikanx's website you have listed, she has an SL blog here too:
To translate a Japanese website or blog, you can post the URL into the box at and hit the button. The site will come up translated into English or language of your choice. It's not a perfect translation, but I hope it helps!
Hugs and thanks again,