Final Pearls

Black pearls look good on wenches, ladies and even fairies. The lovely black and diamond necklace and earring set above is the T.S.D Virtual Outfitter prize in the hunt. A skully ring is included for the guys. The feathered and flowing dress comes from Simply Fae @ Avilion Vale. Follow the red X's, find the pearl; the satin and lace lovely is yours.

click for larger photos
If blue is your color, then this mermaid outfit and home is for you. The shimmery azul togs by Misteria Loon can be found at the *Pas De Deux* at Mermaid Sea. The lovely ~Panda Candy~Undersea googie gazebo is from Squeaksters.

Avalon Mist not only gives a tour on the way to finding the pearl, they included four full outfits in their bountiful gift -- plus two rings. This is the ladies version of the Renegade set in purple. There is a male version also, plus two other Aristocrat sets for larger avatars. Yeah guys! Renegade includes many layers and style versions and a skirt layer for leg guards (not shown). Shoulder armor without the cape is also an option. SO many choices :D.
These are the last of my picks from the Black Pearl Hunt. Others items may appear in later posts as they work their way from my To Be Blogged folder onto the virtual page. But for now, I'm off on to search some paths.
Happy hunting!