Props and Accessories

Props. I love them. Whether just for fun or simply beautiful, they definitely make a fashion shoot. Today I have a few to share that I've picked up along the way as well as a fantastic cornucopia of goodies that simply take my breath away. And yes, it's all free. Edit: Sorry, graphics card was set to low and it took me awhile to figure out the problem. Imagine how great everything would look with Windlight - LOL.
First up are some goodies that I picked up along the hunt trails. Some of them were hunt items and some simply freebies. My food bank grocery bag is from the clever -RC- Cluster shop. Find it in the freebies section upstairs. My strawberry ice cream sandwich was my gift of the day from the GatyaGatya Machine at [KUE!] . My hair is from Tiny Bird, a Poop Hunt Prize.

The cute black and white backpack is from .:TRoUBLeD ReBeL: (Poppy Hunt ends Aug 31st) and my bandanna let tie is one of three in a freebie pack at ::Like A:: . My luscious red pants and bandeau top are part of the latest Marleen gift from G&N Quality Design .
OK. Are you ready for this? Part two coming up soon.