Deep in Poop

I am happy to report that the Second Annual Poop Hunt has lots of items for the guys. Many gifts are unisex. Yeah! I did some unpacking this morning and coerces Wonder into a brief hunting expedition so that you could see a fellow in the pictures.
Our jeans are not part of this hunt, but our tees most certainly are and come with great worn out holes here and there. Very inventive.
Since most of the gifts are spread over the sim, I'm not going to tell you which gifts are shown in the photos. Just pick them all up and find your own favorites. I have more to show you and I'll be going back to get more when the rush lets up a bit. The paint print hands come on two layers. I actually liked the tan (undies layer) versions best, but my bare butt would be against some of the feed guidelines, so you'll just have to get your own to see. Lots of fun.

I will tell you that the great multipose block furniture is from Mudhoney. You probably guessed that already. There is only one poop from them to find; all three versions are in one gift. These are really great for either homes are photos. They adjust and the green one ever rearranges the blocks for the different poses. Magic!

While I had Wonder in my studio, I wanted to try out some of the props and poses available in this hunt. As you might imagine they were my personal favorite finds. There are several packs of poses including ones especially for guys. Girls can use them also of course.
There are at least two pose ball sets for couples. These are wild and fun and I feel very limber to say the least.

The hunt is officially on now. It has been UNofficially on for some time. Now that all the prizes are in place, here's a list of how many and by whom. If you want to find them all, you best keep up a count - LOL. There are LOTS.
SMUDGE - 3 Toilet Papers Out.
CHIKKA Designs - 2 Poops
Vanitas Vesture - 2 - 1 poop, 1 TP
PIG - 7 Poops
Moonshine - 2 TPs
LAP - 8 Poops
Mudhoney - 1TP
Gritty Kitty - 4 TPs
Sweet Antidote - 2 TPs
Masquerade Parade - 1 Poop
naith smit designs - 1 Poop
This is a Fawn - 2 poops!
Vagabonds - 1 Poop
Zut! - 1 Poop
That's 50 gifts to pick up -- all in one sim. This is definitely a not to be missed hunt with great gifts and fun decorations. Go forth to Festivale and hunt.