Hunting, Hunting Everywhere

SO -- Are there enough hunts for ya? I think so. Leaves and hearts and poppies and pearls and I heard there were hot dogs but haven't seen any. I am about a third of the way through the Fun Fall Hunt and while I still have a lot of unpacking to do, I hope to have a post of favorites for you tomorrow morn.
My impression is that this is a very mixed hunt. There are lots of new folks; this is good. And I found a couple of places I was very happy to learn about. In general though the shops seem sort of retro -- not in the sense of The 50s and 60s *wink*, but in the sense of going back along the SL timeline. I have to admit I skipped hunting in a few stops. Sorry, but it is true. On the plus side, I've come across a few familiar names that I suspect will have something fun, and I clicked a couple of MM boards. We'll just see what the morrow brings.
So, until then, I'm signing off and looking forward to a glass of RL wine.
PS. Oh, this was a bit funny. I am faithfully in my fairly low ARC hunting garb doing the duck walk in the name of lag prevention and a nice lady offered to give me an AO because I looked new. Had to smile at that one as some days I definitely feel OLD.
Maybe it was my bare feet :D.
No poses were used in the development of this low lag post.