Fall Fun Hunt #3: Big Stuff!

The Copper Hot Chocolate Pot and Fall Cookies Tray from Clever Endeavors comes with cups of foaming cocoa; click to get your choice of whipped cream or marshmallow topping. Two choices of cookies are also available. Great for those crispy Fall days when you need a quick warm me up, there are endless servings for all your friends. The cups have a very realistic animation and disappear after a few gulps *wink*. Our creators are getting SO clever! Hooray!
The Bird's Nest from Tweedle is a richly detailed skybox with built in glow, shadows, bright vista and slightly ajar door with sun pouring in around the edges. It comes partially furnished and is mod - copy. Very lovely.
The chaise lounge is the prize from Tuh Leah Decor. The rich Autumn colors work well in the cozy abode.

Want to be the talk of the neighborhood? Living in a basket full of apples might do it *wink*. This dare to be different home is from MollyWorld. If a rustic cabin is more your style, this Little Cabin from Broken Kitty may suit you perfectly.

The Roll in the Hay Cuddle Spot by Roawenwood includes plenty of hay bales, a rustic corral and a blanket perfect for smooching. Click the blanket to rez an easy to use poseball system. With only a few nice choices, it is fairly undaunting. Sometimes fewer is better. No significant other? This is a great alone place too. Just you and the twilight. That works!