The Perfect Bed

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Just when things are going well -- the get even BETTER! That works for me. I was heading out to do a bit of shopping when a notecard from the Parajen SOM came in. You may remember the great house they gave away last month. The one I am living in? Well this month it is a superb bed. Woot!

The bed is in a gift box in a hidden room at Parajen. And nope, I'm not telling you where the room is. There IS however a photo in the SOM history -- or least I am assuming there is. When you find the general area, you will need to cam. Well you knew it wasn't going to be THAT easy, didn't cha?

Aside from the fantastic look of the bed and the rich textures, it comes with multiposes on both the bed and the bench in front. There is a set of rezzing couple's poseballs too for you techie lover types. I am just thrilled that there are poses for those of us that actually "lounge" or "sleep" *wink*. I had to get Benicia over to take her closet away so she stayed and tried out the bed. At thirty two prims, it isn't thrifty in that department, but I was more than willing to give up a few things in order to add this to my home.
Agreed, it may be a tad fancy for my stone shack, but the colors go very well and I just love it. So, if you have a home or need a home or may someday get a home --- LOL, you might just want to journey over to Parajen and see what all the fuss is about. Get a hint from the SOM, hopefully, and find the secret room. Rumor is that other prezzies will be showing up there from time to time.
What a glorious eve!
PS. Those curtains sway in the breeze just like the matching ones of my house. I'm coordinated!