Forever Gothic

Tuli has released a Gothic version of the very popular Hope skin. A large variety of makeups are available from delicate to deadly, brightly hued to monochromatic. Unpacking items from the Black Keys Hunt, I came across an outfit from Goth1c0. The bells in my head went off and I was happy I hadn't lost ALL those brain cells. I immediately started trying on the Tuli skins with the Black Key outfit from Goth1co. Of course they worked beautifully together. There was no doubt in my mind about hair; I immediately went to my Stringer Mausoleum folder. Well of course I did.
The Goth1co outfit includes short pants and suspenders as well as a jacket with tee shirt option. I went for skin :D.
Style notes: Skin - Hope Goth 03, Hair - *TSM* Medusa - Crimson tipped (sans snakes).
Pose - The Express by LAP.
Here are two more of my favorite goth skins paired with Stringer Mausoleum hair. There are many more colors and options including runny eye liner and bloody lips, so stop by the shop and try some on. And if you are a Tuli group member, check the recent notices for info on how to get the natural version of this skin as a gift. Those notices go astray often I know, so here's your heads up if you missed the news.
Style notes:
Hope Goth 09 and *TSM* Xeranna - Dirty
Hope Goth 02 and *TSM* Infusion - Mahogany tipped with liquid hair sticks.